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Eyelid Lift in Berlin

Even in ancient times, the eyes were seen as a mirror of personality – and today, they're still central to how we interact and communicate with others, in terms of our own charisma and attractiveness. But what happens when dark circles, drooping eyelids and a perpetually tired look characterise the eye area? This affects the entire facial expression and can become a burden for those affected. With an eyelid lift at AIVA in Berlin, sagging eyelids, wrinkles and bags under the eyes can be corrected – giving you a fresher, younger-looking appearance.

The Causes and Our Credo

Sagging eyelids and bags under the eyes are mainly caused by age-related factors such as loss of skin elasticity and a decrease in the structural protein collagen. In addition, genetic predisposition and environmental as well as lifestyle factors such as UV radiation, smoking and stress can accelerate this process. Both women and men can be affected by this and the resulting tired appearance. At AIVA in Berlin, we can permanently tighten the skin around your eyes and restore it to its original state through surgery – with an eyelid lift or eye bag removal. We would be happy to advise you in a detailed initial consultation.

AIVA – Where Medicine meets Beauty

Every treatment at our institute is aimed at your holistic well-being and at achieving maximum aesthetic results. You will receive personalised care from specialists with many years of experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery. You are surely looking for the best doctors for your eyelid lift – at our clinic in Berlin, we offer you the best services as well as high-quality advice and treatment to achieve a harmonious result that perfectly suits you.

What Distinguishes an Eyelid Lift at AIVA in Berlin?

An eyelid lift (also known as blepharoplasty) is one of the standard procedures at AIVA in Berlin and is performed safely and with very little risk by your specialists. Due to the sensitivity of the eye area, this type of surgery is a demanding but comparatively minor procedure with great results: an alert, open facial expression and a radiant look.

Other good reasons for an eyelid lift at our clinic in Berlin include:

  • Widening of the field of vision in cases of severely drooping eyelids
  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes by removing excess fat and skin during eyelid correction
  • Functional improvements where excess tissue makes it difficult to open and close the eye
  • Increased well-being and self-confidence through aesthetic improvement
  • Long-lasting results for up to 15 years
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Comprehensive Eye Rejuvenation Thanks to Other Treatments at AIVA in Berlin

It is important to us that you leave our institute with a satisfied smile. In addition to eyelid lifts, we offer other treatments for visual rejuvenation that can be combined with this procedure in a single appointment:

–  Wrinkle treatment with Botox® and hyaluronic acid: Mimic wrinkles and age lines are a thing of the past.

–  Brow lift: Eyes that look bigger and more alert thanks to eyebrow lifting – without surgery.

We would be happy to advise you on the combination of different treatment options.

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AIVA – Your Experts for Eyelid Lifts in Berlin

Are you looking for an eyelid lift specialist near you? In Berlin, you are in the best and most experienced hands at AIVA – make an appointment for an initial, no-obligation consultation at our premises in the heart of Germany’s cosmopolitan capital. If you have any questions about the procedure, potential risks or costs, please do not hesitate to contact our English-speaking front desk:

Phone: 030 51999750


You are also welcome to use our online booking system to view available dates, prices and possible practitioners:

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