Even in ancient times, the eyes were seen as a mirror of personality – and today, they're still central to how we interact and communicate with others, in terms of our own charisma and attractiveness. But what happens when dark circles, drooping eyelids and a perpetually tired look characterise the eye area? This affects the entire facial expression and can become a burden for those affected. With an eyelid lift at AIVA in Berlin, sagging eyelids, wrinkles and bags under the eyes can be corrected – giving you a fresher, younger-looking appearance.
It is important to us that you leave our institute with a satisfied smile. In addition to eyelid lifts, we offer other treatments for visual rejuvenation that can be combined with this procedure in a single appointment:
– Wrinkle treatment with Botox® and hyaluronic acid: Mimic wrinkles and age lines are a thing of the past.
– Brow lift: Eyes that look bigger and more alert thanks to eyebrow lifting – without surgery.
We would be happy to advise you on the combination of different treatment options.