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Breast Surgery in Berlin Perfect breasts, redefined self-confidence

Whether breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift or breast correction – our top specialists in aesthetic and plastic surgery await you with a unique sense for perfectly shaped breasts.


Breast Augmentation

Femininity that makes you happy

The desire for a change in breast size can arise for many reasons.

Female proportions are generally perceived as aesthetic and a woman's breasts often play an important role in this. Not every woman naturally has the breasts she wants. Weight loss, the aging process, pregnancy or illness can also be a reason to consider breast size adjustment with implants.

As with all plastic surgery procedures, care and correct planning are essential. This is the only way to ensure that the result is what you want. At AIVA, you can rely on us to fulfil your wishes with expertise and empathy.

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Breast Reduction

For new lightness

Just as breasts that are perceived as too small can become a psychological challenge, the same applies to breasts that are too large. In addition to the psychological strain, too heavy breasts also cause physical strain, which can have a negative effect on the woman's back in particular. The combination of psychological and physical problems results in a high level of suffering for many women with overly heavy breasts. The general body sensation is altered and the desire for relief can become so great that a surgical reduction of the breasts is necessary. With a breast reduction according to high medical standards, we can give you new lightness.

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Breast Lift

Reawaken your self-esteem

For many women, well-formed breasts are an expression of their natural femininity. When the breasts correspond to one's own aesthetic expectations, this gives real freedom. Dressing the way you want to, showing yourself confidently in a bikini on the beach and feeling happy with your own femininity is then a matter of course. The shape of the breast changes in the course of a lifetime and asymmetries can develop. Plastic surgeons recognise these phenomena and provide effective methods for their treatment. A breast lift can bring the hoped-for relief. With the appropriate surgical procedure for a breast lift, nothing stands in the way of new freedom.

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The natural way of breast augmentation

Some women would like to have larger breasts. But sometimes they are reluctant to have an artificial implant made of silicone in their bodies. In these cases, there is the option of breast augmentation with autologous fat. In the method known as lipofilling, excess fat from other parts of the body is suctioned out and used to enlarge and shape the breast. Two treatments are carried out at the same time – you lose unwanted fat and get the breasts you want in one fell swoop. Another advantage over breast augmentation with implants is that no surgery is required and there are no visible scars. Lipofilling is the ideal choice for a naturally beautiful appearance.   

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For a flawless male breast

Round and full breasts are a classic female sexual characteristic. This appearance, which is considered aesthetic in women, can also occur in men in the form of gynaecomastia. Men naturally have mammary gland tissue which, however, normally has no function and is very small in volume. In gynaecomastia, however, it is found in excessive quantity. This can be caused by obesity, metabolic problems, hormonal imbalances between oestrogen and testosterone or a genetic disposition.

Just as for enlarging or reducing the size of the female breast, there are also plastic surgery methods that free men from unwanted tissue on the chest. For a flat male chest, we use modern methods to give you back a strong and positive body image.

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