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Preventive Medicine in Berlin

Recognising and preventing are the two pillars of preventive medicine. At AIVA in Berlin, we use state-of-the-art procedures to identify individual risk factors for your health and thus create a foundation for targeted prevention.


Medical Check-Up

With a focus on your vitality

A regular health check helps you to recognise possible illnesses at an early stage. At AIVA, however, we understand a medical check-up to be much more than just a brief basic examination. We see you as a whole person and support you in focusing on yourself, your own routines, health and vitality goals. A detailed medical history is the basis for a comprehensive view of your health.

We take the time to understand where your problems and risks for the development of certain diseases lie. With our extensive range of diagnostic procedures, we take comprehensive care of your well-being.

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Nutritional Medicine

For a preventive lifestyle

‘You are what you eat’ is a common saying and it could hardly be more true. Nutrition plays a crucial role in numerous processes in our body. A tailored diet plays a central part in supporting your vitality while at the same time helping to optimise cellular functions.

Through nutrition, we can help our cells to regenerate. We pay particular attention to the intestines by analysing microbiomes and nutrients to gain specific insights.

At AIVA, everything is aimed at promoting the improvement and optimisation of your body's own strength.

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IV Drip Therapy

IV drips for a new sense of well-being

The human body is a highly complex construct made up of many different types of cells and molecules. The biological system that underpins our health and makes the miracle of life possible is dependent on an adequate supply of the necessary nutrients. These include vitamins, trace elements and other biologically important substances. The AIVA Institute enables you to provide your body with everything it needs to function optimally. We put together highly concentrated IV drip therapies tailored to your individual needs, which revitalise down to the cellular level. Detoxification, immune boosting, relaxation or renewed energy await you!

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