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Regenerative Medicine in Berlin Redefining beauty and well-being

At AIVA Regeneration, we do not treat one illness after another. Rather, we get ahead of them. Our aim is to strengthen your health with regenerative methods, stimulate the body's own regenerative powers and thus slow down the aging process.


Longevity Counselling

Your daily behaviour has a significant impact on how your body functions and therefore on your well-being. However, the type of behaviour that is right for each individual can vary greatly from person to person. This is why we offer you the opportunity to align your behaviour with your body's needs through our in-depth longevity counselling. In order to achieve this goal, we will conduct a comprehensive medical consultation with you and perform the appropriate laboratory tests. Together, we will take all the steps necessary to ensure that you are as healthy and relaxed as possible. To accomplish this, is also important to identify and address your personal risk factors.

Zelluläre Regeneration

Cellular Regeneration

The human body consists of an unimaginably large number of individual cells. Cellular regeneration is therefore the optimal way to treat the body in its entirety. Regenerative medicine is an interdisciplinary field that focusses on maintaining and restoring optimal cell function. For this purpose, we employ equipment-based methods such as IHHT (interval hyperoxia-hypoxia training), cryotherapy and HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) at our Berlin clinic. These methods are used for a variety of conditions. IHHT is particularly suitable for fatigue syndrome, burnout, sleep disorders, asthma, long Covid, glucose intolerance or obesity. HBOT, on the other hand, is used for post-operative wound healing disorders (including after cosmetic surgery), to generally promote healing processes (e.g. dental surgery or knee surgery) and to treat tinnitus and sports injuries. Cryotherapy is particularly useful in the treatment of rheumatological diseases, irritable bowel syndrome or the treatment of high blood pressure.

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Ganzheitliche Rückentherapie

Holistic Back Therapy

A person's posture is characterised by their upright gait. A healthy back is therefore synonymous with a person's vitality. Due to the widespread lack of exercise, back problems are becoming increasingly common. At AIVA, however, we do not stand idly by in the face of these complaints but use a special method to strengthen the back. MedX training is carried out on equipment specially developed for back training. It enables isolated measurements and extremely gentle training for the deep back muscles. For many complaints affecting the spine, it is important not to put too much strain on the back, making MedX the treatment of choice for cervical spine syndrome, lumbar spine syndrome and slipped discs in particular.

Mental Health

The Latin proverb ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ means ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’. These words emphasise the inseparable unity of body and mind, which is often strained in an increasingly fast-paced world. Stress can be the trigger for a whole range of illnesses and occurs whenever when we are exposed to situations that we do not feel up to. The good news is that everyone's resilience can be strengthened. At AIVA, the unity of mind and body is the foundation of our philosophy. As well as a wide range of physical treatments, we also offer mental health support. We use stress management coaching and stress management therapy to improve your ability to cope with challenging situations. We can also help you develop personalised stress reduction strategies.


Vitality Analysis

Revealing your biological age

The desire for a full and vital life is well known to many people. However, we do not always manage to listen to our body's signals and understand how we are really feeling. One aspect of the regenerative medicine services that we offer at AIVA in Berlin is to help you do just that. Through comprehensive examination, including laboratory diagnostics and a detailed body composition analysis using BIA impedance measurement, we are able to identify any deficiencies in your body. We then support you with customised nutrient therapy – as well as IV drip therapy – to restore your physical balance. This personalised approach enables you to actively shape your life with renewed energy, vitality and zest.

  • Beauty analysis
  • Microbiome test
  • Mitochondrial test
  • Epigenetic test
  • Determination of biological age
  • Telomere analysis

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