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Pelvic Floor Training in Berlin

In Germany alone, around 10 million people suffer from a weakened pelvic floor, often associated with incontinence due to bladder weakness. Women are more frequently affected, especially after pregnancy, but men can also develop pelvic floor weakness with increasing age. Not only unwanted loss of urine but also impaired sexual sensation can be the result. None of this is a taboo subject – and it is not something you have to live with. We offer you highly effective and modern pelvic floor training. In Berlin, the AIVA team will help you to consistently strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

EMSELLA® Pelvic Floor Training at AIVA in Berlin Advantages of the device

Enjoy the comfort and noticeable effect of the innovative BTL-EMSELLA® chair. The pelvic floor trainer works with electromagnetic waves and stimulates or contracts the muscles in a targeted manner. This advanced form of pelvic floor training at AIVA in Berlin strengthens your centre of the body, gives you more control over your bodily functions and makes you feel comfortable in your skin again – without the need for surgery or time-consuming pelvic floor exercises. We will be happy to advise you on all the details of the treatment during a personal appointment at our institute.

The pelvic floor ensures the function of the bladder and bowel sphincter muscles and plays an important role in sexuality for both men and women. After pregnancies and especially after spontaneous births, the pelvic floor often loses strength. The muscles also weaken with the natural aging process, which is why incontinence affects many people in old age. Pelvic floor training with special exercises or with the help of physiotherapy is helpful but takes time and energy that not everyone can devote to everyday life. Specialised balls to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can also have a positive effect but not every woman likes to use them. With EMSELLA® you are opting for an effective and non-invasive way to strengthen the pelvic floor. The training sessions at our institute in Berlin are relaxing and not very time-consuming, so they can be integrated into almost any daily routine.

To ensure that the EMSELLA® chair is suitable for pelvic floor training in your case, you will be examined at our institute in Berlin and asked about your symptoms. The treatment itself is uncomplicated and comfortable. A strong electromagnetic field is created that emits waves to the tissue and muscles, triggering up to 11,000 supramaximal contractions during one session. These are usually perceived as a slight tingling sensation. You can train your pelvic floor with maximum effectiveness in a very short time while you read or listen to music in comfort.

AIVA – Upgrade your Health

Whether you suffer from stress-related incontinence, intimate complaints or would like to increase your performance through a strong inner centre: a strong pelvic floor promotes health and therefore your own well-being and self-confidence. Through training, you regain more control over bowel and bladder function and can once again enjoy your everyday life and hobbies without any worries. With pelvic floor training at AIVA in Berlin, you will benefit from an improved body awareness and other advantages:

  • Non-invasive therapy
  • No surgery, no scars, no pain
  • Short treatment time per session
  • You remain fully clothed
  • No side effects
  • More effective than conventional training methods
  • Relief from incontinence and intimate complaints
  • Support for postnatal recovery after pregnancy

    Before treatment

    1. Examination: You will get to know the doctor treating you. Together we will discuss existing complaints and their severity. The subsequent examination will ensure that EMSELLA® pelvic floor training is the right treatment for you.
    2. Consultation: At AIVA in Berlin, we attach great importance to individual treatment concepts – which is why you will receive a recommendation regarding the number of sessions required. The procedure will then be briefly explained again.

    The treatment

    1. Preparation: The EMSELLA® chair is ready for you in a discreet atmosphere. We ask you to remove any metal jewellery, mobile phones or other devices. You can remain fully clothed. Anaesthesia is not necessary as the training is not painful.
    2. Pelvic floor training: You take a seat on the comfortable chair in the treatment room. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, during which you may feel a tingling sensation or muscle contractions. This is not usually perceived as unpleasant. Afterwards, you can go about your daily life as usual.


    1. Planning further sessions: You will receive the next appointments for your individual pelvic floor training. Our specialists in Berlin recommend six sessions within three weeks, and the number and intervals can vary depending on the severity of the pelvic floor weakness in order to achieve noticeable and lasting results.
    2. Discussion of the results: Following your sessions, we will discuss the results achieved together and plan any further training sessions with us in Berlin.

    The satisfaction of our customers is particularly important to us. Take a look at the numerous positive reviews and see for yourself: Google reviews


    We at AIVA will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about the pelvic floor training options we offer. Whether from Berlin-Mitte, Hellersdorf, Biesdorf, Marzahn or Lichtenberg: women and men from the capital swear by EMSELLA® training.

    If you would like to make an appointment directly, you can do so by phone, e-mail or using our booking tool:

    Book an appointment online!

Combine Pelvic Floor Training with Other Treatments

At our institute in Berlin, we focus on your health and your inner and outer beauty. Do you want more than just a firm, strong pelvic floor, would you like to do more for your own well-being? We offer modern and effective anti-aging treatments which, in combination with your pelvic floor training, ensure more vitality and a good body feeling – for example IV drip therapy, nutritional advice, health check-ups, hair loss therapy or wrinkle treatments.

We are also there for mothers who are unhappy with their after-baby body after one or more pregnancies. A so-called mommy makeover includes plastic surgery procedures to restore your body to the desired shape. We will be happy to advise you individually.

FAQ About Pelvic Floor Training at AIVA in Berlin

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To make arranging an appointment at AIVA as simple as possible, we offer you an online booking option. We look forward to meeting you!

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