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Genetics or lifestyle: What Influences Biological Age?

Have you ever had your biological age tested?

If not, you should do so, because the results can be quite surprising and revealing. It is not uncommon for such a measurement, which we offer at AIVA in Berlin as part of our vitality analysis, to reveal a large discrepancy between chronological and biological age. Many people then realise that they have not been paying enough attention to their health – and that it is time to make up for it.

But what really influences biological age? Is it genetics, which we are all born with, or is it the lifestyle we choose? An exciting question for our institute, which combines services related to vitality, diagnostics, check-ups, aesthetics and longevity. You can conveniently book your treatment appointments online.

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Test your biological age at AIVA in Berlin – and optimise it with a healthy, active lifestyle.

Biological Age – What Does It Mean?

You may have heard the saying ‘you are as old as you feel’.

There is some truth to this, as it is not uncommon for people to still feel as fit, agile and young at 50 or 60 as they did at 30. Conversely, however, people in their 30s can be confronted with health problems or limited mobility that are not expected to occur until years later.

Biological age indicates a person's actual state of health and fitness in years of life. You can test it at AIVA in Berlin – and there may well be several years between the result and your actual age. If the result is below your chronological age, you can congratulate yourself – you have taken good care of your body and probably feel younger than you are. If it is higher, you have the opportunity to change your lifestyle and slow down the aging process.

Regular check-ups reduce health risks.

Lifestyle or Genetics – What is the Main Factor for Biological Age?

There is no doubt that genetics lay the foundation for health, the aging process or susceptibility to certain diseases. However, lifestyle – a balanced diet, exercise, periods of rest and sufficient sleep as well as regular check-ups – has a significant impact on how we feel and therefore on our biological age. This insight is confirmed by a study conducted by Harvard Medical School in collaboration with the Duke University School of Medicine in 2023, which shows that stress in particular increases biological age within just a few days. When the level of stress was decreased, a significant reduction in the measured age was observed.

The right lifestyle can therefore have a positive effect not only on your physical health, but also on your biological age.

How Can You Lower Your Biological Age?

Have you had your biological age tested and your body feels much older than you actually are? No need to worry: At AIVA in Berlin, we can help you change your biological age. If it is 55 today, it can be lower in just a few weeks if you make positive changes to your lifestyle. Here are some factors that contribute to a healthy life and therefore to your well-being and the lowest possible biological age:

  • Nutrition is the key to healthy aging. Include plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats in your diet to promote cellular health. Avoid sugar, as it promotes inflammation in the body. The specialists at AIVA can help you with personalised nutritional advice.
  • Exercise keeps you young. Physical activity is an important factor in biological aging, as endurance, strength and flexibility training helps maintain muscle mass, strengthens the cardiovascular system and can reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes.
  • Sleep means regeneration. Being active is one thing – but resting periods and an optimal sleep rhythm are just as important. Sleep helps your body regenerate and contributes to a healthy metabolism and a strong immune system.
  • Stress management can be learnt. Work and home life can be demanding. Unexpected problems can literally send your pulse racing – and make your biological age soar. Strategies for reducing stress can be learnt as part of a coaching session at AIVA.
  • A clear head is important. Alcohol and cigarettes are known to be bad for your health. But harmful substances also increase your biological age. The best thing is to avoid them altogether.
  • Regular check-ups are a preventive measure. You cannot see inside your body. Even if you feel good and healthy, inflammation or disease can go unnoticed for a long time. Thanks to regular health check-ups with us in Berlin, risks can be identified early and reduced with the help of our customised strategies.
At AIVA in Berlin, we test your biological age.

Test Your Biological Age – And Optimise It with Us at AIVA in Berlin

Would you like to know if your biological age matches your chronological age and what you can do to positively influence your health, well-being and aging process? The experts at AIVA in Berlin will be happy to help you – we look forward to meeting you. Appointments can be made online or by calling 030 51999750.

Copyright image of woman wearing an orange t-shirt: by marymarkevich on Freepik